This allows you to work with the register:

For example, if you want to know in which articles you find something about the intelligence quotient, enter the key combination ctrl+f and write the word intelligence quotient in the appearing window.

Confirm the entry with Enter.

Behind the keyword you will find one or more articles listed, which you can reach directly by clicking on them.

Abusive language *** Hans Has a Heart and Experiences the Project „Tree of Words“ (German version)

Acceleration *** Acceleration and Enrichment *** On School and Giftedness (German version) *** Questions before an Early School Enrolment *** Butterfly Club *** Two Little Ones at the „Club of Great Scientists“ (German version) *** Isabel (3;3) Learns to Play Halli Galli (German version) *** Isabel (3;8) Finds Adequate Playfellows for Number-Games *** Do Gifted Primary School Children Have a Better Standing These Days? (German version) *** What Can Be Done at Primary School? (German version) *** Würzburg Language Programme 1 Year Earlier

Acquiring information *** Early Reading

Advancement of gifted children at kindergarten *** What Can We Do in Kindergarten? *** Checklist: Cognitive Advancement *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement *** PowerPoint-Presentation on Giftedness at the Kindergarten (German version) *** Cultivate Motivation

Advancement of gifted children at kindergarten, high quality of *** Quality Criteria for the Advancement of Gifted Pre-School Children in Kindergarten *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension

Aggressivness *** What Is Parenting? And When Does It Begin? *** Aggressive-Abusive Behaviour and Giftedness *** Establishing a Relationship with a Gifted 5-Year-Old (German version) *** When Gifted Chidren Are „Problematic“  (German version) *** Five Children Form a Group and Follow Their Interests

Animals *** Butterfly Club *** Adrian Studies Nature’s Creeps *** Rabbit, Dog and Black Rat – A Pet Project (German version)

Antisocial behaviour *** Drawing Course with Linda *** I Win (German version) *** Five Children Form a Group and Follow Their Interests

Arts, dealing with the arts *** see Chapter 4.8. *** Examples for the Fine Arts at Kindergarten

Authority *** Examples of: Critical Thinking, Authorities Must Prove Themselves

Authors of the Manual  *** About the Authors

Autism *** René (5;4) Is Learning How to Read (German version)


Being different *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** The Creative Personality *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Being tough *** What Is a Power Girl? (German version)

Belles-lettres *** Giftedness in Literature and Movies (German version)

Berlin Model of Intelligence Structure (BIS) *** What Is Intelligence?

Blueprints *** Plans, Drawings, Sketches, Mind-Maps *** Our Village in the Woods

Board games *** I Win (German version)

Body, the body *** What is a Power Girl? (German version)

Books for Gifted Pre-School Children *** Picture Books, Non-Fiction Books and Stories (German version)

Boredom *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement *** Cultivate Motivation

Brains and computers *** What Is Intelligence?

Bullying *** On School and Giftedness (German version) *** * Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted


Calculating, early *** Examples of: Early Interest in Numbers and Mathematics in General *** Playful Mathematics  *** Further Math Projects *** Basic Ideas of Mathematics

Calculating, feeling for calculating with powers *** Playful Mathematics 

Caution *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children

Changes in childhood *** An “Old” Concept – Complete Version

Chess *** Chess *** Chess Club

Children’s rights *** The Basics of Children’s Rights (German version)

Children under the age of 3 *** Children Under the Age of 3. At What Age Does it Get to Be Interesting? *** Examples on Children under the Age of 3 *** An Extraordinary Little Girl *** A 2-years old Girl Shows Signs of Giftedness (German version) *** Isabel (2;10) and Her Numbers

Citation aid *** Impressum

Clustering *** What Can We Do in Kindergarten? *** Advancement in Small Groups – Possibilities and Advantages *** Examples of: Advancement in Small Groups *** Number Detectives Are Taking Measurements (German version) *** Experiment „Vulcano“ *** Rabbit, Dog and Black Rat – a Pet Project (German version) *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Cognition *** Cognitive Advancement in Kindergarten. Gaining Knowledge, Practising the Act of Thinking *** Checklist: Cognitive Advancement *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement

Colours *** Leaving Traces (German version)

Comments in the manual *** All Commentaries (German version)

Communication *** Communication in Kindergarten *** Children’s Questionnaire on Communication

Computer *** Making Use of the Computer  and the Internet

Concealing giftedness *** Concealing Abilities and Interests *** Tale of a Princess Whom Almost Everybody Considered too Smart *** How Children, Who Thought They Better Conceal Their Abilities, Have Been Helped *** Agneta Has Learned to Write *** Professors, Step Forward! *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Conceptual ideas *** An “Old” Concept – Short Version *** An “Old” Concept – Complete Version *** The Experts Principle in Our Kindergarten Botzeknööfe (German version) *** The Basics of Children’s Rights (German version) *** Our Indoors-Outdoors-Concept (German version) *** Vivid Education? Dead Education (German version) *** Janusz Korczak and Our Open Work Mode (German version)

Conditions for the development of giftedness *** Prerequisites for the Evolvement of Giftedness *** Cultivate Motivation  *** Personal Competencies (German version)

Course instructors at the IHVO *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Quality Standards *** These Are the Course Instructors (German version)

Creativity *** Giftedness – a Definition *** The Creative Personality *** Examples of: Original, Unusual Thinking *** Children Make up Their Own Stories (German version) *** Children Writing Picture Books

Cross-linked giftedness *** Prerequisites for the Evolvement of Giftedness


Death, dealing with death *** An Extraordinary Little Girl, pt. 10 *** The Dead Mother from Pompeii… *** Adrian Takes to Reading the Newspaper – Questions of Life and Death *** Philosophising about the Soul *** Death and Cemetery

Definition giftedness *** Giftedness – a Definition *** Are All Children from the Examples Gifted?

Developmental goals for pre-school children at kindergarten *** An „Old“ Concept – Complete Version

Developmental reports *** Developmental Reports at the End of Kindergarten Attendance

Development crises *** On Gifted Pre-School Children´s Reasoning and Emotion (see paragraph: piehe Absatz: A concept of friendship being developed) *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Diagnostics for Advancement *** Diagnostics for Advancement – What Is It? *** Possible Reasons for the Implementation of Diagnostics for Advancement *** Standards for Conducting Diagnostic Test Procedures *** How Useful Are Checklists? 

Discipline *** The Creative Personality

Disclaimer of liability *** Imprint

Disposition *** Giftedness and High Intelligence *** Personal Competencies (German version)

Donors‘ Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) *** Who Made the Manual Possible?

Drawing *** Plans, Drawings, Sketches, Mind-Maps *** Examples for: Plans, Drawings, Sketches, Mind-Maps *** Drawing Course with Linda *** Drawing Exercises at 4

Dread of new tasks *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children *** Ergün, 3;10 Years

Dyslexia *** Dyslexia (German version)


Education *** What Is Parenting? And When Does It Begin?

Educational documentary *** Developmental Reports at the End of Kindergarten Attendance

Educational goals *** What Is Parenting? And When Does It Begin? *** Personal Competencies

Education at kindergarten *** An „Old Concept – Complete Version

Education policy *** A Vision

Elite *** Giftedness Is Not a Happy Problem *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Emotions *** On Gifted Pre-School Children´s Reasoning and Emotion *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension *** I Win (German version) *** The Creative Personality *** Project: School Corner… and Our Feelings (German version) *** Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** Cultivate Motivation *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

English at kindergarten *** Foreign Languages at Kindergarten *** Murat Wants to Learn: Math Problems with a Minus and English (German version) *** Extraordinarily Talented Children at the English-Club (German version)

Enrichment *** Acceleration and Enrichment *** On School and Giftedness (German version) *** Cultivate Motivation

Enrolment for school, early *** Questions before an Early School Enrolment *** Acceleration and Enrichment *** How Do Parents Find an Adequate Primary School? *** Our Bridge Year (German version)

Environmental awareness *** Collecting Cans – An Environmental Project (German version) *** Malte Brings the Rubbish Issue into the Group *** The Water King and the Electricity King

Evolution *** What Is Intelligence?

Excessive demands *** Woher kommen die außergewöhnlichen Leistungen?

Excursations *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children *** Establishing a Relationship with a Gifted 5-Year-Old (German version) (there the section on transport experts)

„Experts on the Advancement of Gifted Children in Kindergarten” (IHVO-Certificate) see: IHVO-Certificate Courses

Experts, young gifted Children as experts *** Examples of: Great Interest in Systems and Logical Relations (Example Jan) *** Establishing a Relationship with a Gifted 5-Years-Old  (there the section: Traffic experts) (German version)

Extraordinary ability *** Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence *** How Useful Are Checklists? 


Fairy tales *** Tale of a Princess Whom Almost Everybody Considered too Smart *** Fairy Tale Project with Carina (German version) *** Quiz Questions on Hansel and Gretel (German version) *** Quiz Questions on Sleeping Beauty (German version) *** Quiz Questions on Frau Holle (German version) *** Quiz Questions on Little Red Riding Hood (German version) *** Theatre Play „Little Red Riding Hood“ *** The Theatre Play „Hansel and Gretel“ *** „Peter and the Wolf“ and the Fine Arts

Fear of overchallenging the child *** Parent´s Letters (German version) *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement

Fears of gifted children *** It Takes Courage to Overcome Fears *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children *** Examples of Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children *** Picture Book about the Perchten *** Adrian Takes to Reading the Newspaper – Questions of Life and Death

Financials *** Enhanced Educational Efforts through Donations by Foundations (German version) *** Improving Framework Conditions (German version)

Fire *** Experimenting with a Candle Flame

Focus kindergartens, integrative see integrative focus kindergartens

Football see: Soccer

Foreign languages at kindergarten *** Foreign Languages at Kindergarten *** Examples for Foreign Languages at Kindergarten *** * DeepL Translator to Help with Parent Discussions

Forest *** Our Indoors-Outdoors-Concept (German version) *** Once a Month: Off into the Woods! (German version) *** In the Forest with a Ranger

Friends, playfellows *** Playfellows and Friends of Gifted Children *** Examples of: Striking Interest in Older Children *** I Win (German version) *** Making Friends in the Researchers‘ Club *** Car Construction *** Adequate Playfellows for Tom (German version) *** Isabel (3;8) Finds Adequate Playfellows for Number-Games *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted *** Five Children Form a Group and Follow Their Interests

Frustration, permanent *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension *** It Takes Courage to Overcome Fears *** * Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement *** Establishing a Relationsship with a Gifted Five-Year-Old (German version)

Frustration tolerance *** Permanent Frustration because Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension *** It Takes Courage to Overcome Fears

Further training *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Advancement of Gifted Children in Kindergarten *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Quality Standards *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Criteria for the Evaluation of Practical Assignments *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Levels of Achievement *** PowerPoint-Presentation on Giftedness at the Kindergarten (German version) *** Goals and Services of the IHVO


Games *** What Kinds of Toys Do Gifted Children Need? *** Interesting Games (German version) *** Universal Ideas for Games (German version)

Gardening *** Project: Building a Flower Bed (German version) *** A Perennial Flower Bed for the Yard (German version)

Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence *** Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence

Gender-specific advancement *** Prerequisites for the Evolvement of Giftedness

Geography *** The Mountain Club (German version)  *** Our Village in the Woods

Getting to know other cultures *** For Once Live Like a Mongol (German version)

Getting used to kindergarten *** Kira Finds Her Way into the Group and Shows What She´s Got Going on (German version) *** An „Old“ Concept – Complete Version

Giftedness, characteristics of giftedness *** Indicators of Possible Intellectual Giftedness (with examples)  *** Giftedness and High Intelligence *** How Useful Are Checklists? *** The Creative Personality *** Are All Children from the Examples Gifted?

Giftedness, determining *** Determining Giftedness *** The Initial Observation *** Concealing Abilities and Interests *** Where Do the Extraordinary Abilities Come from? – Giftedness or Superb Advancement? *** Diagnostics for Advancement – What Is It? *** How Useful Are Checklists? *** Are All Children from the Examples Gifted?

Giftedness in literature and movies *** Giftedness, depicted in literature and movies (German version)

Giftedness, intellectual *** Giftedness – a Definition *** Above Average or Gifted? *** Making Careful Use of the Term Giftedness

Giftedness, social *** Domains of Giftedness *** Social Giftedness Does Show (German version)

Giftedness, types of *** Domains of Giftedness

Girls, gifted *** Power Girls‘ Club *** Tale of a Princess Whom Almost Everybody Considered too Smart *** Fairy Tale Project with Carina (German version) *** What is a Power Girl? (German version) *** An Extraordinary Little Girl *** The World of Professions *** Butterfly Club *** Rachel: “I Made up a Story and We Want to Show It to You Now!” *** Three Little Girls Are the „Mind Group“ (German version)

Group dynamics *** For Once Live Like a Mongol (German version) *** * Five Children Form a Group and Follow Their Interests


Handicrafts *** Car Construction *** Projekt: Measuring and Crafting (German version) *** A Car Wash for Bobby Cars (German version)

Hansel and Gretel *** Quiz Questions on Hansel and Gretel (German version)

Helpfulness as an obstacle *** Selin Is Underchallenged (German version)

History, dealing with history *** The Advancement of Mathematical Talent in Kindergarten *** When Were the Middle Ages? *** Jan-Hendrik Wants to Write an Encyclopaedia of Romans (German version)

Holistic advancement *** The Advancement of Mathematical Talent in Kindergarten

Humor *** Examples of: Early and Marked Sense of Humor


IHVO = I nstitut zur Förderung H och begabter VO rschulkinder
(Institute for the Advancement of Gifted Pre-School Children)

IHVO *** Imprint *** Goals and Services of the IHVO *** History of an Idea: Advancement of Gifted Children in Kindergarten

IHVO Certificate Courses *** IHVO-Certificate Courses *** IHVO Certificate-Courses: Qualitiy Standards *** IHVO Certificate Courses: Criteria for the Evaluation of Practical Assignments *** IHVO Certificate Courses: Levels of Achievement *** Integrative Focus Kindergarten for the Advancement of Gifted Pre-School Children *** Acknowledging Expertise (German version) *** The Becoming of the Manual

Imhoff Foundation / Imhoff Stiftung *** Who Made the Manual Possible?

Immigrants *** Giftedness Is Not a Happy Problem

Improving the situation of gifted children at kindergarten *** A Vision

Inclusion (see also Integration) *** Commentary: Inclusion – But Please Hurry?! (German version) *** Some Information on Inclusion (German version) *** Integrative Advancement – What Does It Mean? (German version) *** When Gifted Children Are „Problematic“ (German version) *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Indicators of possible giftedness *** Indicators of a Possible Giftedness (with Examples) *** Children under the Age of 3 *** How Useful Are Checklists?

Integrative focus kindergartens *** Integrative Focus Kindergarten for the Advancement of Gifted Pre-School Children *** The Municipal Kindergarten “Sedanstraße” and Its Becoming an Integrative Focus Kindergarten for the Advancement of Gifted Pre-School Children *** A Vision *** Establishing a Relationship with a Gifted 5-Year-Old (German version)

Intelligence *** What Is Intelligence? *** Giftedness and High Intelligence *** Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence

Intelligence models *** What Is Intelligence?

Intelligence quotient  see IQ

Interest in older children *** Examples of: Striking Interest in Older Children *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Interests of gifted children *** Questionnaire on Child’s Interests *** Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** Cultivate Motivation *** Five Children Form a Group and Follow Their Interests

Internet *** Making Use of the Computer and the Internet

Introversion *** The Creative Personality

IQ *** Which Are the Children in Question? *** Giftedness – a Definition *** Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence *** How Useful Are Checklists? *** Standards for Conducting Diagnostic Test Procedures



Kindergarten as a Good Place for Learning *** Kindergarten as a Good Place for Learning

Kindergarten teachers as experts in various fields *** The Experts Principle in Our Kindergarten „Botzeknööfe“ (German version)

Kindergarten team *** Teamwork – How Do I Inspire My Team to Get into the Topic of Giftedness? (German version) *** Integrative Focus Kindergarten for the Advancement of Gifted Pre-School Children

Knowledge, acquiring knowledge *** How to Promote Thinking *** Cognitive Advancement in Kindergarten. Gaining Knowledge, Practising the Act of Thinking *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Levels of Achievement

Knowledge, thirst for knowledge *** Early Reading

Korczak, Janusz *** Janusz Korczak and Our Open Work Mode (German version)


Language, great talent for languages *** Examples of: Elaborate Speech, Large Vocabulary, Great Joy in Configuring Language *** Communication in Kindergarten *** Foreign Languages at Kindergarten

Learning *** IHVO-Certificate-Courses: Levels of Achievement *** How Do Gifted Children Learn? *** Cognitive Advancement in Kindergarten. Gaining Knowledge, Practising the Act of Thinking *** How to Promote Thinking *** How Does Learning and Research Happen? 

Learning, ease of *** Giftedness – a Definition *** Examples of: Perceptual Speed *** Examples of: Quick Learning

Learning, free learnig *** It Takes Courage of Overcome Fears  *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension

Learning at the Kindergarten *** An “Old” Concept – Complete Version *** How Does Learning and Research Happen? *** How Do Gifted Children Learn?

Learning in projects *** Advancement through Projects

Learning speed *** Examples of: Quick Learning *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement

Learning through research *** On Gifted Pre-School Children’s Reasoning and Emotion *** Making Friends in the Researchers‘ Club *** A Perennial Flower Bed for the Yard (German version) *** How Does Learning and Research Happen? *** How Do Gifted Children Learn?

Letters, interest in *** Examples of: Early Interest in the Alphabet and in Reading *** Project „Letters“ – Activity for Small Groups *** Kindergarten Teachers Supporting Children in Learning How to Read and Write *** A 3-Year-Old Girl Wants to Write (German version) *** I Think: Reading Is for School Children

Little Red Riding Hood *** Quiz Questions on Little Red Riding Hood (German version)

List of references for quotations *** Imprint


Manual, Notes on Using *** Notes on Using the Manual

Mathematics *** The Advancement of Mathematical Talent in Kindergarten *** Basic Ideas of Mathematics *** Playful Mathematics *** Examples of: Early Interest in Numbers and Mathematics in General *** Kindergarten Teachers Supporting Children in Learning Arithmetics *** Further Math Projects

Measurement, fault tolerance of measurement *** Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence

Memory see Retention

Mentoring see: One-on-One Advancement

Mother tongue  *** Giftedness Is Not a Happy Problem

Motivation, intrinsic *** Giftedness – a Definition *** Cultivate Motivation

Mind-Maps *** Plans, Drawings, Sketches, Mind-Maps

Movement, freedom of movement at kindergarten *** An „Old“ Concept – Complete Version

Movies with gifted heroes *** Giftedness in Literature and Movies (German version)

Museum, visits to the *** For Once Live Like a Mongol (German version)

Music *** Observations about a Baby /Toddler *** Examples for Music at Kindergarten *** Mrs. Becker Stages an Opera


Nature *** Once a Month: Off into the Woods! (German version) *** In the Forest with a Ranger *** Project: Building a Flower Bed (German version) *** A Perennnial Flower Bed for the Yard (German version)

Needs, special *** Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Negative use of language *** Making Careful Use of the Term Giftedness

Newspaper as a medium *** Reading a Newspaper, Making a Newspaper

„No!“ *** What Is Parenting? And When Does It Begin?

Numbers, arithmetic *** Examples of: Early Interest in Numbers and Mathematics in General *** Isabel (2;10) and Her Numbers *** Basic Ideas of Mathematics *** Further Math Projects *** Felix (5;1) Discovers the Numbers and Is Thrilled 

Nutrition and clothing in the kindergarten *** An „Old“ Concept – Complete Version


Observation *** Recognizing by Observation *** Modes of Observation *** Initial Observation *** Examples of Initial Observations *** Observations after the Observational Chart by Joelle Huser *** Ergün, 3;10 Years *** Rachel, 4;6 Years *** Concealing Abilities and Interests *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension *** Developmental Reports at the End of Kindergarten Attendance ***

Observation, evocative *** Modes of Observation *** Examples of Evocative Observations

Observation, initial *** The Initial Observation *** Examples of Initial Observations on Possibly Gifted Children

Observational Chart *** Indicators of Possible Intellectual Giftedness (with directly linked examples) *** Observations after the Observational Chart by Joelle Huser

One-on-One Advacement, Mentoring *** One-on-One Advancement, Mentoring *** Jerome Practises Writing *** Supporting Konstantin (German version) *** Jasmin (4;7) Is Writing a Story *** Picture Book about the Perchten *** Jan-Hendrik Wants to Write an Encyclopaedia of Romans (German version)

Open classrooms at kindergarten *** Janusz Korczak and Our Open Work Mode (German version)

Overexcitabilities *** Little Need for Sleep? *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** Gifted Children and Exceptional Emotional Sensitivity

Painting *** Children Interpreting a Painting by Dalí *** „Peter and the Wolf“ and the Fine Arts

Parents as experts *** Using Parents as Experts (German version)

Parents, communication with *** Questionnaire for Parents – First Term in Kindergarten *** Questionnaire for Parents for 4- to 6-Years Old Children in Kindergarten *** How Do Parents Find an Adequate Primary School?

Parent consulting *** Parent Consulting Established (German version) *** How Do Parents Find an Adequate Primary School? *** DeepL Translator to Help with Parent Discussions

Parents, discussions with parents *** Making Careful Use of the Term Giftedness *** How Useful Are Checklists? *** Alena (5) Studies Letters – When Should She Enrol at School?  *** DeepL Translator to Help with Parent Discussions *** When Parents Provide Little Advancement

Parents of gifted children *** Parent´s Letters (German version) *** It Takes Courage to Overcome Fears

Pedagogical talent *** Selin Acts like a Kindergarten Teacher (German version) *** Lina Has Pedagogic Talent *** Alena (4;6) Leading a Small Gymnastics Group

Perceptional speed *** Examples of: Perceptual Speed *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement 

Perfectionism *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten

Performance and giftedness *** Prerequisites for the Evolvement of Giftedness *** Where Do the Extraordinary Abilities Come from? – Giftedness or Superb Advancement? *** How Do Gifted Children Learn? *** Cultivate Motivation *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Perseverance *** Examples: Great Perseverance and Resilience in Endeavours Which Are of Interest and Which Push towards the Limits of Individual Potential

Personal development *** Commentary: The Development of Potentials and Personality (German version) *** Personal Competencies *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Peters-Beer-Foundation *** Who Made the Manual Possible?

Photography *** Snow Worlds Seen Through a Lense – An Art Project Involving Photography *** Felix and His Photography

Picture books, created by children themselves *** Children Writing Picture Books *** Änne Draws and Writes a Book *** Picture Book about the Perchten *** Jonas (5;3) Makes Another Picture Book and Screens Paper

Plants *** Project: Building a Flower Bed (German version) *** A Perennnial Flower Bed for the Yard (German version)

Playfellows *** Playfellows and Friends of Gifted Children *** Examples of: Striking Interest in Older Children *** I Win (German version) *** Making Friends in the Researchers‘ Club *** Car Construction *** Adequate Playfellows for Tom (German version) *** Isabel (3;8) Finds Adequate Playfellows for Number-Games *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Playing materials, suitable for gifted children *** What Kinds of Toys Do Gifted Children Need? *** Interesting Games (German version) *** Universal Ideas for Games (German version)

Potential *** Woher kommen die außergewöhnlichen Leistungen *** Personal Competencies

Potential, development of potential *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement *** How to Promote Thinking *** Cultivate Motivation *** Commentary: The Development of Potentials and Personality (German version)

Poverty *** Giftedness Is Not a Happy Problem

Pride *** The Creative Personality

Primary school, experiences at *** My First Year at School – Interviews with Children (German version) *** Do Gifted Primary School Children Have a Better Standing These Days? (German version) *** What Can Be Done at Promary School? (German version) *** How Do Parents Find an Adequate Primary School?

Principle of chance, understanding the *** Examples of: Great Interest in Systems and Logical Relations *** I Win (German version)

Problems *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** Communication in Kindergarten

Problem-solving ability *** What Is Intelligence?

Problems with falling asleep *** Little Need for Sleep?

Profession, the profession of kindergarten teachers *** Improving Framework Conditions! (German version)

Programming *** Making Use of the Computer and the Internet

Projects, working in projects *** Advancement through Projects *** The Advancement of Mathematical Talent in Kindergarten


Questionnaires *** Questionnaire on Child’s Interests *** Questionnaire for Parents – First Term in Kindergarten *** Questionnaire for Parents for 4- to 6-Years Old Children in Kindergarten *** An Example of a Completed Parents Questionnaire (German version) *** Ben, 3;10 Years *** Children’s Questionnaire on Communication

Questions prior to an intelligence test *** Standards for Conducting Diagnostic Test Procedures *** Possible Reasons for the Implementation of Diagnostics for Advancement *** Thoughts, Worries and Fears by Parents and Pedagogues with Regard to Testing


Ranking by percentile *** Gaussian Distribution of Intelligence *** Standards for Conducting Diagnostic Test Procedures

Reactions of the social environment *** Making Careful Use of the Term Giftedness

Reading at kindergarten *** Reading and Writing in Kindergarten ***  Examples of: Early Interest in the Alphabet and in Reading *** Early Reading *** Dyslexia (German version) *** Kindergarten Teachers Supporting Children in Learning How to Read and Write **Early Intervention for Literacy (German version)

Recognition of patterns and rules *** Examples of: Rapid Recognition of Patterns and Rules

Relationship, establish a *** Kira Finds Her Way into the Group and Shows What She´s Got Going on (German version) *** Establishing a Relationship with a Gifted 5-Year-Old (German version)

Repetition *** Examples of: Aversion and Even Unwillingness to Perform Routine and Repetitive Assignments *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension

Research *** How Does Learning and Research Happen?

Retention *** Examples of: Astonishing Memory

Risk assessment *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children *** Examples of Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children

Routine tasks *** Examples of: Aversion and Even Unwillingness to Perform Routine and Repetitive Assignments *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement

Rules at kindergarten *** An “Old” Concept – Complete Version


Salaries *** Improving Framework Conditions (German version)

Sanctions *** What Is Parenting? And When Does It Begin?

School, advancement at school *** What Can Be Done at Primary School? (German version) *** Do Gifted Primary School Children Have a Better Standing These Days? (German version) *** It Takes Courage to Overcome Fears *** Mrs Becker Stages an Opera  *** How Should School Deal with the Gifted? (German version)

School, cooperation kindergarten – school *** Gifted Children between Kindergarten and Primary School *** Developmental Reports at the End of Kindergarten Attendance *** Being in Touch with Local Primary Schools – Making for a Smooth Transition to School (German version) *** PowerPoint-Presentation on Giftedness at the Kindergarten (German version) *** My First Year at School – Interviews with Children (German version) *** Our Bridge Year (German version) *** How to Prepare the Children for School (German version) *** Questions before an Early School Enrolment

School enrolment, early *** Gifted Children between Kindergarten and Primary School *** Questions before an Early School Enrolment *** Being in Touch with Local Primary Schools – Making for a Smooth Transition to School (German version) *** Our Bridge Year (German version) *** PowerPoint-Presentation on Giftedness at the Kindergarten (German version) *** Alena (5) Studies Letters – When Should She Enrol at School? (German version)

School, playing school *** We Make Our Own “Classroom” (German version) *** Project: School Corner … and Our Feelings  (German version)

Scientific experiments *** Scientific Experiments with Highly Interested Children (German version) *** Projects on Explorations in Physics and Chemistry *** Watching Beans Grow 

Scientific research / exploring nature *** Projects on Explorations in Physics and Chemistry *** Butterfly-Club *** Making Friends in the Researchers‘ Club *** Watching Beans Grow  *** Adrian Studies Nature’s Creeps

Self-concept *** Building a Positive Self-Concept

Self-determination *** Examples of: An Early Desire for Self-Direction and Self-Determination

Self-esteem *** An “Old” Concept – Complete Version *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Sense of justice *** Examples of: Skilled Observation, Pronounced Sense of Justice

Sensibility, high *** Gifted Children and Exceptional Emotional Sensitivity  *** Little Need for Sleep? *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** An Extraordinary Little Girl, pt. 6

Sitemap of the manual with all contributions *** Sitemap (German version)

Sleep *** Little Need for Sleep?

Sleeping Beauty *** Quiz Questions on Sleeping Beauty (German version)

Small-groups, working in *** How Do Gifted Children Learn? *** Advancement in Small Groups – Possibilities and Advantages *** Examples of: Advancement in Small Groups *** Project „Letters“ – Activity for Small Groups  *** Mathematical Advancement in a Group of 2 *** Butterfly-Club *** Experiment „Vulcano“  *** Three Boys Exploring Time (German version) *** Three Little Girls Are the „Mind Group“ (German version) *** Alena and a Small Group Are Becoming Experts of the Learning Workshop *** Five Children Form a Group and Follow Their Interests

Soccer *** Soccer and Newspaper

Social competence *** Social Giftedness Does Show (German version) *** Selin Acts like a Kindergarten Teacher (German version) *** Lina Has Pedagogic Talent *** Gifted Children Showing Their „True Colours“ (German version) *** I Win (German version) *** Making Friends in the Researchers‘ Club *** Emma as Stage Director *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted

Social maturity *** Examples of: Skilled Observation, Pronounced Sense of Justice *** Selin Acts like a Kindergarten Teacher (German version) *** Aggressive-Abusive Behaviour and Giftedness

Social situation *** Giftedness Is Not a Happy Problem *** Prerequisites for the Evolvement of Giftedness *** Improving Framework Conditions (German version)

Staff, children-staff ratio *** Improving Framework Conditions (German version) *** Enhanced Educational Efforts through Donations by Foundations (German version)


Taboos *** Disturbing Stupidity of the Adults *** Picture Book about the Perchten *** Special Playing and Learning Needs or the Early Notion of Being Different *** Adrian Takes to Reading the Newspaper – Questions of Life and Death

Teachers, very good teachers *** Mrs Becker Stages an Opera  *** Lena Learns How to Code

Team see Kindergarten-Team

Technology (talent, interest, advancement) *** Joshua, the Inventor *** Project: Time (German version) *** Car Construction *** Bastian Is Explaining His Dream Car *** Felix and His Photography *** Disassembling Electric Devices

Test procedures *** Diagnostics for Advancement – What Is It? *** Standards for Conducting Diagnostic Test Procedures

Theatre *** Drama Activities at Kindergarten *** Theatre Play with Gifted Children *** Examples for Drama Activities at Kindergarten *** Tale of a Princess Whom Almost Everybody Considered Too Smart – Theatre Adaption *** Tale of a Princess Whom Almost Everybody Considered Too Smart *** Rachel: „I Made up a Story, and Now We Want to Show It to You“

Thinking *** On Gifted Pre-School Children´s Reasoning and Emotion *** Examples of: Complex Thinking *** Examples of: Original, Unusual Thinking *** Cognitive Advancement in Kindergarten. Gaining Knowledge, Practising the Act of Thinking *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement *** How to Promote Thinking *** Three Little Girls Are the „Mind Group“ (German version) *** And What They Think!

Thinking, abstract *** On Gifted Pre-School Children´s Reasoning and Emotion *** Chess *** Chess Club *** I Win (German version) *** Plans, Drawings, Sketches, Mind Maps

Thinking, causal *** Examples of: Rapid Recognition of Pattern and Rules

Thinking, complex *** Examples of: Complex Thinking *** Chess

Thinking, creative *** Children Writing Picture Books *** Children Make up Their Own Stories *** The Creative Personality

Thinking, critical *** Examples of: Critical Thinking, Authorities Must Prove Themselves *** Disturbing Stupidity of the Adults *** Adrian Takes to Reading the Newspaper – Questions of Life and Death

Thinking, divergent *** Divergent Thinking *** On Gifted Pre-School Children’s Reasoning and Emotion

Thinking into the future *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children ***

Thinking, logical *** Examples of: Rapid Recognition of Patterns and Rules *** I Win (German version)

Thinking, planned *** Observations about a Baby / Toddler *** Plans, Drawings, Sketches, Mind Maps

Thinking, solution-oriented *** Social Giftedness Does Show (German version)

Thinking, systematic *** Examples of: Great Interest in Systems and Logical relations

Thoughts, unusual *** Examples of: Original, Unusual Thinking

Thoughtlessness *** Disturbing Stupidity of the Adults

Time, dealing with time *** Project: Time (German version) *** The Advancement of Mathematical Talent in Kindergarten *** Number Detectives Are Taking Measurements (German version) *** Three Boys Exploring Time (German version) *** Children Interpreting a Painting by Dalí

Time, taking time to live *** An “Old” Concept – Complete Version

Timidity *** Timidity and Apprehension in Gifted Children *** Afraid of the Trip to the Zoo *** Blood Coagulation *** A Cognitive Approach of Pacification

Toddlers *** Children Under the Age of 3. At What Age Does it Get to Be Interesting? *** Examples on Children under the Age of 3

Transition to school *** Gifted Children between Kindergarten and Primary School *** How to Prepare the Children for School (German version) *** Project: School Corner … and Our Feelings (German version) *** We Make Our Own “Classroom” (German version) *** Questions before an Early School Enrolment 


Underchallenged, being underchallenged *** Examples of: Aversion and Even Unwillingness to Perform Routine and Repetitive Assignments *** Examples of: An Early Desire for Self-Direction and Self-Determination *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** Permanent Frustration because of Being Underchallenged and Facing Incomprehension *** Custom-fit Cognitive Advancement *** Concealing Abilities and Interests *** Selin Is Underchallenged (German version) *** Loneliness and the Social Dilemma of the Gifted


Violence, rejection of  *** Specific Problems Gifted Children Face in Kindergarten *** What Is Parenting? And When Does It Begin?

Vocabulary, large *** Examples of: Elaborate Speech, Large Vocabulary, Great Joy in Configuring Language


Waldorf Schools *** Commentary: Gifted Children in Waldorf-Schools? (German version)

Ways of thinking *** How to Promote Thinking

Webmaster *** Imprint

Working conditions at kindergarten *** Acknowledging Expertise (German version) *** Enhanced Educational Efforts through Donations by Foundations (German version) *** Improving Framework Conditions (German version)

Worries of parents of gifted children *** Thoughts, Worries and Fears by Parents and Pedagogues with Regard to Testing *** A Mother´s Worries before Scholl Enrolment *** Aggressive-Abusive Behaviour and Giftedness

Writing at kindergarten *** Reading and Writing in Kindergarten *** Dyslexia (German version) *** Children Writing Picture Books *** Kindergarten Teachers Supporting Children in Learning How to Read and Write *** Learning How to Write Before School