by Hanna Vock


This questionnaire has been put to the test in our Certificate Courses. It keeps amazing us what a clear assessment of their situation gifted children have.

The questionnaire can be helpful when trying to find out how the child is feeling as a member of the group with regard to its communication with other the ??? children.

Of course, you can also use the questionnaire as a guideline for interviews or parent consultations.

See also: Communication in Kindergarten

For Print-Out: Children’s Questionnaire on Communication


    • Make sure the child understands:
      – marking the smiling emoticon confirms the statement, while
      – marking the grumpy emoticon negates the statement.
    • Do keep in mind, that bright and gifted children often dispose of rather differentiated thinking. The child might want to answer in more detail than provided for by the emoticons and the occasional dotted lines.
    • Do make notes of the child’s additional remarks, which may be to qualify, modify, specify the answer … or to criticise the statement.
    • Make notes wherever remarks are made.
      Take your time and try to use the statements as starting points for further conversation.
    • You can complete the questionnaire together with the child in several sessions over a few days, too.
    • With very young children or children with poor language skills try to observe the child closely and then answer for the child to the best of your judgement.
    • As soon as you get a full picture of the child’s communicative situation try to support the child in critical situations in everyday life in the group.


Published in German: July 2013
Copyright © Hanna Vock
Translation: Arno Zucknick

The translation of this article was made possible by
Renate Ashraf, Koblenz, Germany.