by Hanna Vock


Chess is a game that children find interesting if they have a great desire and particularly good ability to think abstractly and strategically. The rules of the game are simple, but the possible course of the game and the possible strategies are incredibly varied.

The advantage is who can think complex and has a good memory. Think complex: think up the different possible next moves and the possible reactions to them, if possible even more than one move in advance. Good memory: remember what you have just thought up and juggle it mentally until the decision for your next move has been made. And have fun doing it!

This explains why many gifted children take an early interest in chess, provided they have someone who introduces them to it and get them excited about it.

The advantage of playing chess is that the game enables a demanding intellectual communication that is not bound to language.

Here is an example from a kindergarten:

Chess Club


Date of publication in German: 2010, August
Copyright © Hanna Vock, see imprint.