by Anke Cadoni
Jonas has expressed the wish to create another picture book with me.
This confirmed to me that Jonas had a lot of fun and joy with our last work together. We had produced the „Picture Book about the Perchten“.
More about Jonas:
Jonas, 4;2
Jonas Does Make Paper Planes
Picture Book about the Perchten
Soccer and Newspaper
How can I get Jonas to have new experiences now? I would like to introduce him to other possibilities of book design and suggest that he make the paper for a picture book himself.
Since at the same time we want to start the project theme in the group: „Books don’t grow on trees, do they?“, this would also be an action that fits well into the supporting programme. Nevertheless, Jonas could be given a separate space again to pursue his needs and penetrate more deeply into the topic.
I had wished that this time Jonas would like to work together with another child. But he fends this off again, on the grounds that „the others disturb me and make nonsense“.
Comment by the course instructor:
It would be so important that he still learns to differentiate here: Yes, most of them are annoying with my projects, but there are also some people who are doing well – and it is beautiful and enriching for me.
At first I accepted it that way and met again regularly with Jonas alone, which he enjoyed very much again.
Comment by the course instructor:
Yes, we think that’s a good decision at this stage.
How exactly the processing of the self-produced paper will be afterwards, I leave open. Here Jonas can give free rein to his good ideas and ideas.
…in a nutshell…
The five-year-old Jonas has already designed a picture book himself and now wants to do another one. His kindergarten teacher supports him and enables him to carry out his project at his own fast pace of work and learning and with his great concentration and perseverance.
Jonas is allowed to work alone, does not have to adapt to the other children and receives the necessary guidance to achieve a good result.
Nevertheless, the kindergarten teacher manages to make this individual project usable for the group.
However, it is very important to me that Jonas learns to open up a bit more to the other children and that he at least explains and demonstrates his plans and activities to the other children, for example in the chair circle.
Current child description
Jonas is now 5;3 years old. His greatest interest still lies in painting and drawing and meanwhile also in writing and telling stories.
Jonas comes to kindergarten in the morning and plays with his friends. At the moment he often plays with his friend David again. I often observe them building together on top of our wooden balcony in our group room. Often it is still about building traps for the Perchten. During this time they usually get along quite well.
Unfortunately, his friend Mick was often ill again and therefore did not attend kindergarten often and for a long time. But I noticed that Jonas visited Mick a few times at home.
What I notice again and again is that Jonas eventually releases himself from David’s free play and retreats to the craft table. When Mick visited the kindergarten regularly, he usually came to the painting table together with Mick. Now he often comes alone, but since our painting table is always well attended, he rarely sits there alone.
There he paints his picture in peace of mind, with uncanny perseverance, concentration and accuracy. Sometimes he tells stories about the individual pictures, which I then have to write down, or he asks me to prescribe certain words for him so that he can rewrite them.
Writing now fascinates him more and more. He is interested in many letters and asks how they are pronounced or written.
His explanations become more and more precise and he also becomes more and more critical with himself. If he has made a mistake in painting or even just a stroke is not where he should be, he throws the picture away immediately.
I often hear him explain to other children, for example, how they can paint a car. Or he interferes in conversations and tries to explain or correct things. But he always does this in a very nice way, sometimes he gets his backing from me and says: „Mrs. Cadoni, a spider has eight legs, isn’t that right?“
Some children now ask Jonas for help from time to time and I think this is one of the reasons why Jonas likes to work alone with me and in a separate room. There he can do what he wants to do undisturbed. If he decides to withdraw, then he also wants to be left alone. He then wants to become mentally active and work demandingly.
Comment by the course instructor:
It is good that you recognize this so clearly and that you can show so much understanding for it.
Preliminary considerations and goals
What am I going to do?
I want to take up the wishes of Jonas in any case. This means that we will again create a picture book and work alone for the time being.
At the same time I would like to convey to Jonas that it can also be fun to work together with another child. At a later date I hope that Jonas will open up and maybe let Jil work with him. She is one year older than Jonas, is also very interested in painting, picture books and is always open for new things. She also always works very concentrated and committed.
I’m going to give Jonas this option again and again and try to make it palatable to him.
On the other hand, I find it important to continue to allow him to withdraw from everyday life. He can also be alone once in a while, because this way he learns to cope with outsider positions, which he will probably have to deal with even more frequently in his further life.

Another important step, I think, is opening up to the rest of the group.
The other children also notice that Jonas often works alone with me and are often curious and interested. That’s why I think it’s important that Jonas shows the other children what ideas he has and what he has created or worked out with me.
So his ideas will be evaluated by children. Positive feedback strengthens his self-confidence, he experiences success and gets confidence in his abilities. On the other hand, he may also be criticised and learn to deal with such situations: Failures should not inhibit his motivation. He also has to overcome fears: „What will the others say?“
I also think it’s important that Jonas is shown even more possibilities for designing books. Until now, Jonas has always used paper, which is always available in kindergarten. Now he should have the possibility to change his point of view. I want to give him food for thought:
- Is it natural to always have paper in the house?
- How does it actually come about?
- Can you also make paper yourself? How does that work?
Why do I want to do that?
Jonas should be strengthened even more in setting his own goals.
He actually does this quite well. But then it often fails because of the planning and implementation. He perceives that his friends often have other interests and then he often neglects his own plans. This is a pity, and I would like to work on it with Jonas.
I would like to achieve that he stands behind his ideas in such a way that he can inspire other children and pull them along. So he finds other contacts, which doesn’t necessarily mean that he has to give up his old contacts.
Of course, this also requires good organisational skills, but here, I think, kindergarten teachers and parents can support him well.
Comment by the course instructor:
Yes, to make his ideas interesting and tangible for other children and to organize the cooperation is a very high demand and certainly not to be done by him alone. He still needs guidance.
We think it’s good that you want to protect his freedom at the same time and don’t expect him to share all his intentions.
What do I want to achieve?
- Jonas should get the opportunity to create another picture book.
- He should be encouraged to think and act.
- He should experience that cooperation can be just as beautiful and effective as individual work.
- He should be given further opportunities to implement his abilities and ideas and to experience that withdrawal from the group is not his only possibility.
- He should have made paper himself once and think about and experience what to do with it and how to use it.
- He should share his activities and experiences with the whole group.
How do I want to put the ideas into practice?
First I will again work alone with Jonas. I would like to start with the way Jonas is familiar with. He is acquainted with it and is looking forward to it. I will make Jonas understand that I think his wish to create another picture book is a good one and that I will also support him.
I want to discuss with him that there are very different picture books and that we could now try to discover something new and try out different techniques. I want to introduce him to my idea of creating paper for a picture book by himself. I hope that Jonas will also be taken with this idea or that he will develop other great ideas himself.
I simply hope that Jonas will then notice again that I have time for him and his needs and that he will allow Jil to take part in some of the actions at some point.
As I know Jonas, he will take all his courage together and present his plans to the other children.
I also design my plans very openly, so that there is always enough space for Jonas‘ ideas and plans. So it can also happen that the planned offers take a completely different direction and the goals change a bit.
The first meeting with Jonas takes place as usual in the next room of the group room. When I inquire about Jonas‘ wishes for the next activity, he immediately says: „I want to make another picture book, maybe about Easter or spring!“
I make him understand that I think the idea is good, but I would like us to make a different picture book this time using different materials and different methods.
I ask him to consider what kind of picture books he knows and how a picture book could still be designed.
Suddenly Jonas says: „Mrs. Cadoni, do you remember last year the children from the other group made folding stories like that, we can do that too, right?
Comment by the course instructor:
So he had registered that and probably already found it interesting at that time, but didn’t say it.
I am totally surprised that Jonas can still remember it, because I hadn’t noticed anything about it, so I had to ask my colleagues first.
In any case, I think the idea is really good. Just because Jonas also likes to fold.
See: Jonas Does Make Paper Planes (German version)
Then we talk about the production of paper.
„How is that supposed to work, Mrs. Cadoni? You certainly need machines for that, I once saw it on television!“
„You’re right about that, but to make a few sheets of paper, just a few simple tools are enough. After all, paper has been around for a long time and people didn’t have machines like today’s either.“
Jonas: „What do we need?“
„I’ve never done it myself,“ I explain to Jonas, „but I’ve heard that it’s really possible, the best thing is to go to the Internet and do some research there tomorrow, okay?“
This short conversation was enough to motivate Jonas again for a new thing!
Comment of the course instructor:
He has often experienced that working with you leads to interesting processes and results. Now he is confidently excited.
The next morning he comes to the kindergarten and wants to go with me immediately on the Internet. I try to explain to him that Jil is a little bored at the moment and would love to work with us. But Jonas is not enthusiastic about this:
„But I would like to do this alone with you, maybe another time!“
I explain to him that Jil is very interested and usually works very concentrated and committed, but Jonas sticks to his decision.
Comment of the course instructor:
He doesn’t want to endanger the cause or take any risks. Good that you can accept his decision.
So we were surfing the Internet. Quite quickly we find what we are looking for at „LABBÉ“. 〈It’s a handicraft materials company in Germany. (The translator).〉 There we find a really great description with many pictures. We print them out and discuss them afterwards. The pictures are almost self-explanatory, so that Jonas can understand the procedure of paper creation well.
Jonas puts the printed papers in foils so that a small instruction booklet is created. We hang it up in the next room so that we can take a look at it at any time.
Now we think about what we still need: the scoop frames and cellulose (in case of need you can also use newspaper instead).
I order the scoop frames together with Jonas on the Internet.
Now Jonas waits every day for the post, hoping that the scoop frames would be there.
It takes a few days, but then comes day X and there is a package for Jonas. He quickly unpacks the frames!
In the meantime, I have had cellulose procured from a friend who works in a paper mill.
I promise Jonas that I will have time for him the next day and that we can then start scooping. „It would be nice if Jil could work with us tomorrow – you can think about it!“
Jonas says at first only briefly, a little disappointed: „Yes, okay“, and disappears in the next room.
Comment of the course instructor:
After you have first responded flexibly to his decision (to work alone), you stay „on the ball“ as far as the experience of working with Jil is concerned. We think that’s good.
It doesn’t take long until Jonas approaches me and says: „I just looked at the instructions again. We have to soak the newsprint in hot water and you said that it would have to stand for a whole night before we could process it, didn’t you?“
„You’re absolutely right, I almost forgot! But you were really paying attention there.“ I really praise Jonas for this, because I thought it was great that he thought so well.
Comment of the course instructor:
This prudence is really remarkable. This shows that it really is already his project.
I then explain to him that I have procured cellulose and that we can soak it. Of course, he also learns from me that cellulose is fibre from plants that can be used to make paper.
We tear the cellulose into small pieces, which is not so easy because it is very hard. Then we pour boiling water over them. For every 100 grams of cellulose there are 4 litres of water.
Jonas helps to weigh the cellulose and to measure the water in litres. He obviously enjoys it a lot. Oh, by the way, on the subject of „Jil“ he says: „We can also try out the scooping with newspaper, and then Jil can also participate!“
Comment of the course instructor:
Old experience: Whoever has or gets something can also be generous. Those who live in want have to be stingy and can’t share well. In the cognitive field, this also applies to gifted children, depending on whether or not they themselves receive good advancement.
The next day Jonas and I move back to the next room, where I have already put all the materials and devices we need in the morning, because I wanted to avoid the unrest that would otherwise arise in the group. If the children had noticed what we were going to do, they would not have let us work in peace because of their curiosity and Jonas would probably have been very angry.
Jonas and I now do everything according to the instructions. A little bit I had believed that the whole thing didn’t work. All the more surprised I am about the success of our first self-made paper. Jonas‘ eyes get really big and even he can hardly believe that we made paper by ourselves.
The other children are making chair circle at this time. Jonas proudly says: „I want to show to the other children what we have done, is that possible?
I’m really glad that he says that, so I didn’t have to do any persuasion work. The other children of course noticed that I had done something with Jonas in the next room and became very curious.
Jonas and I put all the materials into the middle of the circle. Jonas tells the children that we manufactured paper and then shows to them how it works. All the children are totally attentive and excited. Even those children, who often get in the way, listen well and pay attention.
Jonas grows beyond himself in this situation, and I think he is relieved that he showed it to the children in the end. He has now experienced that all the children were totally enthusiastic.
Note from the course instructor:
Here you can really say without exaggeration: He has learned something important for life.
A few days later we repeat the scooping with newspaper – and Jonas agrees that Jil and some other children join in.
Together with Jil, Jonas also has a lot of fun. The two of them can quickly come to an understanding on who will take over which tasks. Jil also likes to take advice and tips from Jonas.
We hang the scooped papers on a clothesline so that they can dry better there.
The next morning Jonas is curious to see how the papers feel when dry. Unfortunately he has to realize that the drying on the clothesline was not such a good idea, because the papers are now all very curled. Jonas suggests to press the papers in a thick catalogue, so that they become really flat and we can use them for our picture book. We put this into practice immediately.
Note from the course instructor:
Apparently he wasn’t frustrated at all, but in the „problem solving mode“.
But now we’re off with the picture book!
In the following week Jonas finally wants to start with the new picture book. In the meantime I informed myself about the folding picture book which my colleagues has made. They gave me a sample copy, which I can present and read to Jonas.
Jonas: „Yes, that’s exactly what I meant – but I want to invent my own story! I can already fold a super airplane, a boat and a flower, I can already use these things in my story!
Before Jonas starts thinking about his own story, I’ll show him an origami book in which he can see what folding possibilities there are left.
He chooses different folding figures and objects and then tries to tell a story about them.
First I write down everything he says. In between I already give him a few tips. After many considerations he finally wants to become active and fold the first things.
He quickly realizes that folding is not as easy as it looked at first glance. However, he shows a lot of patience and motivation and does not let himself be discouraged by failures.
He can also experience that sometimes I have to think well and have problems here and there. I think that’s important for him, otherwise he would doubt himself again very quickly and become insecure.
After we have folded some figures together, we are faced with a new problem!
Jonas: „Mrs. Cadoni, look, the folding figures are much too big for our self-made papers – or our papers are too small.“
Unfortunately, I only got scoop frames for DIN A5 paper, and they are really too small for such a folding book. Jonas recognized that well.
Now, in addition to the picture book, we have to think about something good, for which we can use the very beautiful paper we have manufactured.
When I think about the project at home, I suddenly remember a wish of Jonas, which he had expressed a long time ago. Jonas wanted to write a card to a kindergarten teacher who had been ill for some time. This is also our custom, but we haven’t made it yet.
The next day I give Jonas my idea. I help him a little to make a card out of two papers. With adhesive tape we connect the two papers. Jonas bends a normal sheet of paper so that it fits into the card as an insert. On one side he paints a beautiful spring picture. Then he wants me to show him how to write „Get well soon and Happy Easter“ and he writes it into the card.
Remark of the course instructor:
Yes, you really react flexibly. I also think it’s important that he can now put his „nice“ paper to good use.
This time Jonas is working at the handicraft table, and some curious children come along. They want to know what Jonas is doing. Jonas tells them about his intention and immediately some children want to help. Jonas says: „We can still do something on the front side“.
Since we folded tulips last week, Jan comes up with the idea of making two tulips for the front.
So that the other children are not disappointed, I explain to them that later on everyone can print a fingerprint on the card and they can paint a butterfly out of it. We then put your name on the butterfly so that Mrs. N. can see who has thought of her.
Jonas agrees with this without question, because that’s what we always do when we write to someone.
At the end the card becomes a really great community work, where many children had fun.
Remark of the course instructor:
Beautiful, and Jonas was right in the middle of it and at the same time also ahead, as it corresponds to his commitment and his talent.
At the end I suggest to the children that we can make a nice farewell card for Mrs. G. after the Easter holidays, because she is retiring, because we still have some great papers.
All the children involved think the idea is good!
The work on Jonas‘ picture book is then interrupted by a week of Easter holidays, but then we continue. At the same time Jonas together with Jil and Mick makes a farewell card for Mrs. G.. Jonas and Jil already know how to do something like this well, but Mick hasn’t been to kindergarten for a while and doesn’t really know how to make cards yet.
You can clearly see how happy Jonas is that Mick is finally back. Jonas clarifies in peace with Mick how they would like to design the card. Jil always gives some good tips in between. They divide the work fairly, so that everyone can work on the card.
For me it is very nice to see how social they are with each other.
Note from the course instructor:
Good team players! It’s hard to imagine what would become of a child like Jonas if he withdrew totally frustrated from the other children and then was not so pedagogically skilfully introduced to positive cooperation experiences. He would then be a candidate for the statement: cognitively very advanced, but underdeveloped in social behaviour.
On Mrs. G.’s farewell day she unpacks the card in front of the entire kindergarten crowd. She is very happy about the card and praises the artists. This experience, I suppose, strengthens Jonas once again well, and he can see that his works get high recognition. In this way he has not only made himself happy, but also Mick and Jil, because they are just as proud.
Note from the course instructor:
I find it very remarkable how you put it: He, Jonas, also made the other two children happy. He pulled them along with his energy and talent. That’s also what we mean when we say that it’s not just the highly gifted children who benefit from the special support.
Jonas and I work daily on the folding picture book. But he also wants to do this on his own again. On one of the days he allows Jil to come to the next room, where Jonas and I always work together. For Jil it is of course difficult to get into the matter at this time, because she doesn’t know the whole story of Jonas. But Jonas is also not willing to tell her the whole story, because he wants to get on with his work and finish the next pages.
Remark of the course instructor:
Here again a good understanding for Jonas from your side shows up.
The whole situation is therefore quite unsatisfactory for Jil. She loses interest and withdraws into the reading corner. I still try to motivate her and transfer tasks to her, but without success.
From now on we both work alone again, mostly while the other children are doing a chair circle or playing on the outside area, so we always have enough rest and are rarely or not disturbed at all.
Jonas again proceeds very planned. First the story is considered and written down, then all figures and motives are folded and afterwards every single page of the picture book is designed. For this I should read the story to him again and again, so that later the text matches the pictures.
Jonas glues the folding figures onto the pages and completes them with paintings.
But Jonas doesn’t want to have the text handwritten, as it is in the example booklet, but he asks me to write the text with the computer. Of course I am happy to do that for him. Then we insert the texts into the pages.
Every day Jonas is very energetic and persevering in his work. He almost always works intensively for half an hour to an hour. He doesn’t care whether the other children play outside or in a circle of chairs. He is not worried about missing anything. Actually he has only one goal: to finish this picture book with a lot of concentration in order to present it to the children and to his family.

〈The Story of the Sad Sheet of Paper〉
(You can see the cover page here; the complete picture book can be found at the end of this article).
When the day finally arrives when the folding picture book is finished, Jonas seems mighty proud of his work again. He can actually be proud of it. The book is really beautiful again and especially for a child of this age it is very meaningful.
At noon Jonas introduces the other children of our group to his picture book in the chair circle. I read the long introductory text (see at the end of the article), the rest of the text Jonas tells freely. The children listen again with a lot of attention and interest. Some children say later that they would like to make such a book as well.
Unfortunately there are some envious people who react unpleasantly to the book again, like for example: „This is boring!“ Jonas noticed this and he tells me later that it is a bit depressing. I explain to him that sometimes there are people who are jealous of a good performance if they would find it difficult to do something like this themselves. That’s why they sometimes judge the book very negatively, even though they actually think it’s beautiful.
„You will encounter such situations more often in your life. You just have to learn to believe in your abilities. Through the many positive reactions of the other children you can recharge your batteries and build up self-confidence. Jonas, I think you are on the right track“.
Note from the course instructor:
You put that very nicely for him – again he has learned something for life!
Immediately I can see a smile on his face again, which I am very happy about.
His mother is also happy about the successful work and praises Jonas very much.
Influence on our current group project
Overall, I think that Jonas’s interest in picture books, language and writing has contributed to the fact that the interest of many of the children in our group is now more focused. The project „Books don’t grow on trees, do they?“ has been extended to more than six weeks.
The younger children created small colouring books, the reading corner was extended and redesigned, and a typewriter was made available to the children. Rubber stamp letters and magnetic letters challenged the children to first attempts at writing. Through this project we have also succeeded in making it possible for almost all children to write their names. Together we created a group mailbox and from then on letters were painted, written, put into envelopes and stamps were affixed.
In addition, we have achieved that we now have intensive contact with the local library and visit it every three weeks to borrow new books.
Jonas and I have done a lot of individual work, but his interest has spread to the other children and made them curious.
Have I achieved my goals?
I achieved that Jonas has created a second picture book and have thus also fulfilled his wishes. Through this he has been stimulated again to cognitive thinking and doing. He has again come up with a story of his own in which there is a lot of logic and empathy. In the stories he always shows a very social vein.
Friends are important to him!
One also notices again and again that he looks beyond his own nose. So he saw a windmill in the folding book and thought about how he could integrate it into the story. I liked his idea of generating electricity with it very much and it showed me how connected Jonas already thinks.
Jonas always prefers to work alone on his actual project. Here he doesn’t want to adapt his own learning and working pace to other children, although he is basically very social. However, he likes to share work that differs slightly from his own project, such as the design of the cards, with other children and is then always very helpful and cooperative. He likes to carry out this work in a group and does not use retreat.
I suspect that he considers individual work to be more effective and successful.
However, Jonas already notices that he has aroused the interest of other children with his interest. Many activities on the subject of books and paper also took place throughout the group. For example, I still remember the chair circle, where I showed the children the different types of paper. The children were asked to label the papers with the correct names, to feel them and to hear how differently they rustle.
From this I then developed a game: I blindfolded a child and gave him a piece of paper for guessing. The children had a lot of fun playing this game. Jonas was very good, he knew almost all the papers and could feel them. However, many children were successful because I was able to influence the degree of difficulty very well. Thus all children were challenged strongly despite different development stages, and it was a successful community action, without a child particularly fell out.
The production of the paper was something very special for Jonas. To do something that nobody had done before in the kindergarten and in which even I was very inexperienced. He enjoyed searching the Internet for instructions. He witnessed all the important steps from beginning to end and, above all, carried them out himself.
I think he gained a lot of self-confidence through this. In my opinion, the situation in the chair circle was most beautiful for him when he showed the children his successful scooping attempt. The children were totally amazed and astonished that it really worked.
He presented his works, both the scooped paper and the picture book, to the other children on his own initiative. This shows me that he has had positive experiences and is learning to deal with negative reactions.
He notices that he can sweep the other children along and inspire them!
Remark of the course instructor:
The role that Jonas has now assumed in the group is an appropriate and happy one for a gifted child:
His insistence on his own projects, his willingness to work together with others on things that are not so central to him, to present his work and thus give other children inspiration in the best sense of the word.
At the same time, he experienced and tried out many new things for himself; he was also able to solve some problems, which was certainly the reason for his quite satisfied and relaxed mood.
Further ideas
I think the subject of „reading, writing, designing picture books“ is now pretty exhausted. The children are now familiar with this topic, have been given a lot, so that it has now become a self-runner.
Jonas is still often to be found at the painting table. At the moment he writes down everything he finds, such as headlines from newspapers or notes on papers.
His main topic at the moment is football. He often plays with other children in the hallway, and the rules of football are very important to him.
I have to see what happens next.
In the summer I change to another kindergarten. I don’t know if I’ll get a project with Jonas before the holidays because, as you know, there are a lot of other things to do during this time.
And here is the complete picture book:
The Story of the Sad Sheet of Paper

For many days, even months, a simple sheet of paper, surrounded by many boxes, lay in the storeroom of a stationery shop. In the boxes lay many things made of paper. In the first there were colorful windmills, in the second there were pretty paper plates, in the third hats made of crepe paper and in another box there were paper masks.
Often the door to the storeroom would open and a man would come in. Every time he came, he would get a box. He carried it into his paper shop to sell the things inside. One day the box next to the sheet of paper said, „Tomorrow I’ll be picked up! Little Michael turns five years old. His mother baked him a delicious cake and put five candles on it – one for each year“.
„Why are you so happy about this?“ asked the sheet of paper. „In me lie many hats made of coloured crepe paper,“ the box replied. „Michael’s mother will buy us all tomorrow. Michael has invited his friends. Everyone should have a colorful paper hat.“ „Birthday party! Birthday party! We’re at a birthday party tomorrow“, all the hats shouted.
They were happy to finally get out of the box. „May I come with you?“ the sheet of paper asked. „No“, said the box. „No, no, no“ all the hats shouted now. „What do you want at a birthday party?“ they asked, „Just look at yourself. You are only a simple sheet of paper. You can’t do anything with them at a birthday party.“ When the sheet of paper heard that, it became very sad.
The next morning the man came into the storeroom and actually got the box with the hats. „Take me with you,“ asked the sheet of paper. It held on to the box. The man took the box under his arm and went out the door. The box screamed: „Let go of me!“ It shouted, „Let go of me immediately!“ and pushed the sheet of paper away. Shocked, it let it go and fluttered to the ground. There it lay now sadder than before and cried bitterly. „Why am I only a simple sheet of paper?“ it asked itself. „Why am I not also a paper hat or at least a paper plate?“ It looked very sad, laughed, looked at itself again – yes, really, it was true! The sheet of paper didn’t know what to do because it was so happy. It cheered: „I am not a simple piece of paper…“
1. Jonas finds the little leaf and takes it with him. At first he thought he couldn’t do anything with it. But then he discovered that it is a very special leaf. It has four equally long sides and when he folds it, it is a…

2. „Hurrah“, a paper airplane has been created. Jonas decides to go on a journey of discovery together with the plane! On the plane he takes off into the air and the adventure begins.

3. Jonas flies to a beautful island!

4. He wants to experience something on the island and thinks about how he could fold the leaf so that he can have a lot of fun. It didn’t take long, he had an idea. He folded a beautiful kite out of the plane and let it fly on the beach. In his dream he even imagined that the dragon could carry him!

5. He decides to stay longer on the island and builds himself a stone house on the island, where he can live and is protected from wind and weather.

6. A beautiful garden with great flowers is a must!

7. Suddenly Jonas‘ stomach growls and he thinks about what he could eat. Quickly he folds a ship out of the dragon, goes to the sea and catches a fish.

8. To generate electricity for light and heating, Jonas sets up a windmill on the island!

9. There are many animals around him, like the ladybird, the bird and the butterfly, but a real friend is missing!

10. He decides to fly to a neighbouring island and hopes to find a friend there.

11. He is lucky, immediately he finds a good friend named Mick, who goes on an adventure trip together with him.
Date of publication in German: 2017, January
Copyright © Hanna Vock, see imprint.