by Hanna Vock


It is important to take the child’s special interests, play and learning needs seriously.
This means
Gifted children have special playing and learning needs.
When gifted children of three years of age come to the kindergarten for the first time, they often already set themselves the task of behaving „correctly“ in their new living environment (kindergarten), just as a kindergarten child does. This means that for a long time they may not be so focused on themselves and the implementation of their own needs, but rather observe their environment and try to adapt.

The child often does not manage the balancing act between its own level of development and the observed actions of other children of the same age on its own, which can lead to it showing even less of itself.

Recognising the child’s playing and learning needs and interests therefore requires a conscious effort on the part of the kindergarten teachers.

It is crucial to establish a basis for discussion with the child on the basis of observations and initial assumptions.
See: The Initial Observation and Examples of Evocative Observations.

The Questionnaire on Child’s Interests can be helpful to get into conversation.

Some gifted children, on the other hand, show their interests quite clearly. By means of astonishing playful actions or verbal expressions, they indicate that their development, perhaps overall, perhaps in some areas, is significantly further advanced than that of their peers.

Now it depends on how exactly the kindergarten teachers look and listen in order to gain a comprehensive picture of the child.
Is it important to continue (appropriately) to support even the most advanced child in kindergarten? Or can we confidently leave it to itself and allow it to completely adapt itself in its learning expectations and in its playing behaviour?

The educational mission of the kindergarten
applies equally to all children.

Responding to the recognised needs and interests of the child can not only be very invigorating for the child, but can also enormously enrich the day-to-day work of the kindergarten teachers.


Date of publication in German: October 2012
Software-generated translation for immediate availability. Inaccuracies to be removed by proofreading (in progress).
Copyright © Hanna Vock, see imprint.